分享自己封装的mysql类 基于pdo
用了连贯操作 用法和tp相似 上手快 Db.zip
$res = Db::table('tbl_user')->where('id', 1)->find(); // 获取单个数据
$res = Db::table('tbl_user')->order('id', 'desc')->select(); // 获取结果集 排序
$res = Db::instance()->getLastSql(); // 获取上次执行的sql
$res = Db::table("tbl_user")->where('id', 2)->update(['name' => '云青']); // 更新数据
$res = Db::table("tbl_user")->insert(['account' => 'acc', 'name' => 123]); // 插入单个数据 并返回插入id
$res = Db::table("tbl_user")
['account' => 'test1', 'name' => 'test1'],
['account' => 'test2', 'name' => 'test2']
); // 批量插入数据
$res = Db::table('tbl_user')->where('id', 5)->delete(); // 删除数据
$res = Db::table('tbl_user')->tbFields(); // 获取数据表字段
$res = Db::table('tbl_user')->count('id'); // 统计数据条数
$res = Db::table('tbl_user')->field('id')->sum(); // 统计id和
$res = Db::table('tbl_user')->doSql("select * from tbl_user"); // 自定义sql
$res = Db::instance()->startTrans(); // 开启事务
$res = Db::table("tbl_user")
['account' => 'test1', 'name' => 'test1'],
['account' => 'test2', 'test2' => 'test2']
); // 批量插入数据
$res = Db::instance()->commit(); // 提交
$res = Db::instance()->rollback(); // 回滚
$res = Db::table('tbl_user')
->whereIn('account', 'test1,test2')
->where('id', '!=', 2)
->select(); // whereIn
$res = Db::table('tbl_user') // whereIn
->whereIn('account', 'test1,test2')
->whereIn('name', ['test1', 'test2'], 'or')
->where('pmid', '=', 0)
* @author anderyly
* @email admin@aaayun.cc
* @link http://vclove.cn/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018
namespace ay\lib;
class Db
private static $db;
private $dbType = 'mysql';
private $pConnect = true;
private static $table;
private $host;
private $port;
private $dbName;
private $user;
private $pass;
private $group = '';
private static $sql = false; //最后一条sql语句
private $where = '';
private $order = '';
private $limit = '';
private $field = '*';
private $clear = 0; //状态,0表示查询条件干净,1表示查询条件污染
private static $trans = 0; //事务指令数
* 初始化
* Dc constructor.
* @param null $conf 数据库配置
public function __construct($conf = null)
class_exists('PDO') or halt("PDO模块不存在");
if (is_null($conf)) {
$conf = C();
$this->dbType = $conf['DB_TYPE'];
$this->host = $conf['DB_HOST'];
$this->port = $conf['DB_PORT'];
$this->user = $conf['DB_USER'];
$this->pass = $conf['DB_PASS'];
$this->dbName = $conf['DB_NAME'];
if (is_null(self::$db)) {
* PDO连接数据库
* @throws \Exception
private function connect()
$dsn = $this->dbType . ':host=' . $this->host . ';port=' . $this->port . ';dbname=' . $this->dbName;
$options = $this->pConnect ? [\PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true] : [];
try {
$dbh = new \PDO($dsn, $this->user, $this->pass, $options);
$dbh->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
throw new \Exception('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
$dbh->exec('SET NAMES utf8');
self::$db = $dbh;
* @return object
public static function instance()
return new self();
* 设置数据表名
* @param $table
* @return object
public static function name($table)
if (empty($table)) {
$tableS = C('DB_PRE') . $table;
self::$table = self::addChar($tableS);
return new self();
* 设置数据表名
* @param $table
* @return object
public static function table($table)
if (empty($table)) {
self::$table = self::addChar($table);
return new self();
* 设置当前数据表别名
* @param $alias
* @return object
public function alias($alias): object
if (empty($alias) or empty(self::$table)) {
self::$table .= ' AS ' . $alias;
return $this;
private static function addChar($value, $num = 0)
if (strpos($value, "`") === false and $num == 1 and !is_int($value)) {
$data = "'" . trim($value) . "'";
} else if (strpos($value, "`") === false and !is_int($value) and $num != 1) {
$data = "`" . trim($value) . "`";
} else {
$data = trim($value);
return $data;
* 执行查询 主要针对 SELECT, SHOW 等指令
* @param string $sql
* @return mixed
public function doQuery($sql = '', $options = true)
self::$sql = $sql;
if ($options) {
$result = self::$db->query(self::$sql)->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} else {
$result = self::$db->query(self::$sql)->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $result;
* 执行语句 针对 INSERT, UPDATE 以及DELETE,exec结果返回受影响的行数
* @param string $sql
* @return mixed
public function doExec($sql = '', $op = '')
self::$sql = $sql;
$res = self::$db->exec(self::$sql);
if ($op == 'insert') {
$res = $this->getLastInsId();
return $res;
* 执行sql语句,自动判断进行查询或者执行操作
* @param string $sql SQL指令
* @return mixed
public function doSql($sql = '')
if (preg_match('/^\s*"?(' . $queryIps . ')\s+/i', $sql)) {
return $this->doExec($sql);
} else {
return $this->doQuery($sql);
* 获取上一次查询的sql
* @return string
public function getLastSql()
return self::$sql;
* 插入方法
* @param array $data
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function insert(array $data)
$data = $this->dataFormat($data);
if (!$data) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$table . '(' . implode(',', array_keys($data)) . ') VALUES(' . implode(',', array_values($data)) . ')';
return $this->doExec($sql, 'insert');
* 批量插入方法
* @param array $data
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function insertAll(array $data)
$value = '(';
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
foreach ($v as $k1 => $v1) {
$value .= "'" . $v1 . "',";
$value = rtrim($value, ',');
$value .= '), (';
$value = rtrim($value, ', (');
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$table . '(' . implode(',', array_keys($data[0])) . ') VALUES ' . $value;
return $this->doExec($sql, false);
* 获取最后一次插入时的ID
* @return mixed
public function getLastInsId()
$res = $this->doQuery($sql, false);
return isset($res['LAST_INSERT_ID()']) ? $res['LAST_INSERT_ID()'] : 'false';
* 删除方法
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function delete()
if (!trim($this->where)) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . self::$table . ' ' . $this->where;
$this->clear = 1;
return $this->doExec($sql);
* 更新方法
* @param array $data
* @return mixed|void
* @throws \Exception
public function update(array $data)
if (!trim($this->where)) {
$data = $this->dataFormat($data);
if (!$data) {
$valArr = array();
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$valArr[] = $k . '=' . $v;
$valStr = implode(',', $valArr);
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . trim(self::$table) . ' SET ' . trim($valStr) . ' ' . trim($this->where);
return $this->doExec($sql);
* 更新语句 字段值加 $number
* @param array|string $field
* @param null $number
* @return mixed|void
* @throws \Exception
public function setInc($field, $number = null)
if (!trim($this->where)) {
if (is_array($field)) {
$data = $this->dataFormat($field);
if (!$data) {
$valArr = array();
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$valArr[] = $k . '=' . $k . '+' . $v;
$valStr = implode(',', $valArr);
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . trim(self::$table) . ' SET ' . trim($valStr) . ' ' . trim($this->where);
} else if (is_string($field) and is_null($number)) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . trim(self::$table) . ' SET ' . self::addChar($field) . '=' . self::addChar($field) . '+1 ' . trim($this->where);
} else {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . trim(self::$table) . ' SET ' . self::addChar($field) . '=' . self::addChar($field) . '+' . self::addChar($number, 1) . ' ' . trim($this->where);
return $this->doExec($sql);
* 更新语句 字段值减 $number
* @param array|string $field
* @param null $number
* @return mixed|void
* @throws \Exception
public function setDec($field, $number = null)
if (!trim($this->where)) {
if (is_array($field)) {
$data = $this->dataFormat($field);
if (!$data) {
$valArr = array();
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$valArr[] = $k . '=' . $k . '-' . $v;
$valStr = implode(',', $valArr);
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . trim(self::$table) . ' SET ' . trim($valStr) . ' ' . trim($this->where);
} else if (is_string($field) and is_null($number)) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . trim(self::$table) . ' SET ' . self::addChar($field) . '=' . self::addChar($field) . '-1 ' . trim($this->where);
} else {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . trim(self::$table) . ' SET ' . self::addChar($field) . '=' . self::addChar($field) . '-' . self::addChar($number, 1) . ' ' . trim($this->where);
return $this->doExec($sql);
* 查询函数
* @return array|boolean 结果集
public function select()
$sql = 'SELECT ' . trim($this->field) . ' FROM ' . self::$table . ' ' . trim($this->where) . ' ' . trim($this->order) . ' ' . trim($this->limit) . " " . trim($this->group);
$this->clear = 1;
$res = $this->doQuery(trim($sql));
return isset($res[0]) ? $res : [];
* 查询函数
* @return array|boolean 结果集
public function find()
$sql = "SELECT " . trim($this->field) . " FROM " . self::$table . " " . trim($this->where) . " " . trim($this->order) . " " . trim(" LIMIT 1") . " " . trim($this->group);
$this->clear = 1;
return $this->doQuery(trim($sql), false);
* 设置条件
* @param string | array $option
* @param string $where
* @param string $value
* @return $this
public function where($option, $where = null, $value = null)
if ($this->clear > 0) {
// 判断之前是否使用where语句
if (strpos($this->where, 'WHERE')) {
$this->where .= ' AND ';
$useWhere = 1;
} else {
$this->where = ' WHERE ';
// 判断第一个参数为字符
if (is_string($option)) {
// 当三个参数都为字符串
if (!is_null($value)):
$this->where .= $option . $this->whereTo($where) . $this->addChar($value, 1);
// 当第三个参数不存在
if (is_null($value)) {
$this->where .= $option . '=' . $this->addChar($where, 1);
} else if (is_null($where)) {
// 当第二个参数不存在
$this->where .= $option;
} else if (is_array($option)) { // 当第一个参数为数组
$qz = "(";
foreach ($option as $v) {
// 当第一个参数循环后为数组
if (is_array($v)) {
if (strstr($this->where, '(')) {
$qz = ' ';
if (isset($useWhere)) {
$qz = '(';
$condition = $qz . $this->addChar($v[0], 'where') . ' ' . $v[1] . ' ' . $this->addChar($v[2], 1);
} else {
$this->where .= ' ' . $this->addChar($option[0]) . $option[1] . $option[2];
$cc = 1;
$logIc = isset($v[3]) ? ' ' . $v[3] : ' AND';
$this->where .= isset($mark) ? $logIc . $condition : $condition;
$mark = 1;
if (!isset($cc)) {
$this->where .= ')';
return $this;
private function whereTo($field)
switch ($field) {
case ($field == 'neq' or $field == '!='):
return '!=';
case ($field == 'eq' or $field == '='):
return '=';
case ($field == 'like' or $field == '%'):
return 'LIKE';
return $field;
* 设置条件
* @param string $option
* @param string | array $value
* @return $this
public function whereIn($option, $value, $tj = 'AND')
if ($this->clear > 0) {
// 判断之前是否使用where语句
if (strpos($this->where, 'WHERE')) {
$this->where .= ' ' . $tj . ' ';
$useWhere = 1;
} else {
$this->where = ' WHERE ';
$arr = explode(',', $value);
$str = '';
foreach ($arr as $v) {
$str .= $this->addChar($v, 1) . ',';
$str = rtrim($str, ',');
// 判断第一个参数为字符
if (is_string($value)) {
$this->where .= $option . " IN (" . $str . ")";
} else if (is_array($value)) {
$str = '';
foreach ($value as $v) {
$str .= $this->addChar($v, 1) . ',';
$str = rtrim($str, ',');
$this->where .= $option . " IN (" . $str . ")";
return $this;
* 设置条件
* @param $option
* @param string $where
* @param string $value
* @return $this
public function whereOr($option, $where = null, $value = null)
if ($this->clear > 0) {
if (strpos($this->where, 'WHERE')) {
$this->where .= ' OR ';
$ss = 1;
} else {
$this->where = ' WHERE ';
if (is_string($option)) {
if (!is_null($value)):
$this->where .= $option . $this->whereTo($where) . $this->addChar($value, 1);
if (is_null($value)) {
$this->where .= $option . '=' . $this->addChar($where, 1);
} else if (is_null($where)) {
$this->where .= $option;
} else if (is_array($option)) {
$qz = '(';
foreach ($option as $v) {
$logIc = ' AND';
if (is_array($v)) {
if (strstr($this->where, '(')) {
$qz = ' ';
if (isset($ss)) {
$qz = '(';
$condition = $qz . $this->addChar($v[0]) . ' ' . $v[1] . ' ' . $this->addChar($v[2], 1);
} else {
$this->where .= ' ' . $this->addChar($option[0]) . $option[1] . $option[2];
$cc = 1;
if (isset($v[3]) and ($v[3] == 'or' or $v[3] == 'OR')) {
$logIc = ' OR';
$this->where .= isset($mark) ? $logIc . $condition : $condition;
} else {
$this->where .= isset($mark) ? $logIc . $condition : $condition;
$mark = 1;
if (!isset($cc)) {
$this->where .= ')';
return $this;
* 取得数据表的字段信息
* @return array
public function tbFields()
$sql = 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME="' . str_replace('`', '', self::$table) . '" AND TABLE_SCHEMA="' . $this->dbName . '"';
$res = $this->doQuery($sql);
$ret = array();
foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
$ret[] = $value['COLUMN_NAME'];
return $ret;
* 过滤并格式化数据表字段
* @param $data
* @return array
public function dataFormat($data)
if (!is_array($data)) {
return [];
$table_column = $this->tbFields();
$ret = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $val):
if (!is_scalar($val)) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $table_column)):
$key = $this->addChar($key);
if (is_int($val)) {
$val = intval($val);
} else if (is_float($val)) {
$val = floatval($val);
} else if (preg_match('/^\(\w*(\+|\-|\*|\/)?\w*\)$/i', $val)) {
$val = $val;
} elseif (is_string($val)) {
$val = '"' . addslashes($val) . '"';
$ret[$key] = $val;
return $ret;
* 排序
* @param $option
* @param null $sort
* @return $this
public function order($option, $sort = null)
if ($this->clear > 0) {
$this->order = ' ORDER BY ';
if (!is_null($sort)) {
$this->order .= $option . ' ' . $sort;
} else if (is_string($option)) {
$this->order .= $option;
} else if (is_array($option)) {
foreach ($option as $k => $v) {
$order = $k . " " . $v;
$this->order .= isset($mark) ? ',' . $order : $order;
$mark = 1;
return $this;
* @param $option
* @return $this
public function group($option)
if ($this->clear > 0) {
$this->group = ' GROUP BY ' . $option;
return $this;
* 分页
* @param $page
* @param null $pageSize
* @return $this
public function limit($page, $pageSize = null)
if ($this->clear > 0) {
if ($pageSize === null) {
$this->limit = 'LIMIT ' . $page;
} else {
$pagEval = intval(($page - 1) * $pageSize);
$this->limit = 'LIMIT ' . $pagEval . ',' . $pageSize;
return $this;
* 设置字段名
* @param $field
* @return $this
public function field($field)
if ($this->clear > 0) {
$this->field = $field;
return $this;
* 查询 左右内全
* @param $tab
* @param string $where
* @param string $join
* @return $this
public function join($tab, $where = '', $join = 'INNER')
if ($this->clear > 0) {
if (is_array($tab)) {
foreach ($tab as $k => $v):
$table = $k . ' AS ' . $v;
} else {
$table = str_replace(' ', ' AS ', $tab);
self::$table .= ' ' . $join . ' JOIN ' . $table . ' ON(' . $where . ')';
return $this;
* 计数
* @return mixed
public function count()
if ($this->clear > 0) {
$sql = 'SELECT count(' . trim($this->field) . ') AS ' . trim($this->field) . ' FROM ' . self::$table . ' ' . trim($this->where) . " " . trim($this->order);
$rows = $this->doQuery($sql, false);
return $rows[trim($this->field)];
* 统计
* @return mixed
public function sum()
if ($this->clear > 0) {
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(' . trim($this->field) . ') AS ' . trim($this->field) . ' FROM ' . self::$table . ' ' . trim($this->where) . " " . trim($this->order);
$rows = $this->doQuery($sql, false);
return $rows[trim($this->field)];
* 清理标记函数
private function clear()
$this->where = '';
$this->order = '';
$this->limit = '';
$this->field = '*';
$this->clear = 0;
* 手动清理标记
* @return $this
public function clearKey()
return $this;
* 启动事务
public function startTrans()
//数据rollback 支持
if (self::$trans == 0) {
* 用于非自动提交状态下面的查询提交
* @return bool
public function commit()
$result = true;
if (self::$trans > 0) {
$result = self::$db->commit();
self::$trans = 0;
return $result;
* 事务回滚
* @return bool
public function rollback()
$result = true;
if (self::$trans > 0) {
$result = self::$db->rollback();
self::$trans = 0;
return $result;
* 关闭连接
public function close()
if (!is_null(self::$db)) {
self::$db = null;
不错,感谢分享,拿走不谢